Thursday, October 21, 2010

Getting the Word Out

I have become a missionary. My mission is to get the word out on sight loss. It's time to put the myths to rest. Find out what sight loss really means these days. Rehabilitation is available and you can live a good life AFTER sight loss.

I have a message to share with people. the message is not about what happened to me, or to any other person who has lost eye sight. How we lost our sight is really not as important as how we continued to life our lives AFTER we lost our sight.

Recently, I have done a number of interviews with regional newspapers and a TV station because I am an ARTIST who lost my eyesight three years ago. The "story" really is not that a I cannot see, but the story is that even though I cannot see I can still make VISUAL ART. Yes, it is amazing. I know now that anything is possible for those who want to move forward regardless of the losses we have had.

Blind and Vision Rehabilitation Services of Homestead, PA was the place where I went to get the help I needed to begin to learn how to live my life in a new way. This non-profit organization is celebrating 100 years of service this year.

My story was one of the success stories published recently. The story is on the link that I have added to this article.

If you, or anyone you know needs some help in adjusting to personal blindness, why not give the BVRS a call and set up an appointment. You can arrange a visit the facility and SEE for yourself what you might learn to do. Getting help is a big first step towards your new life. Find out what you just might be missing.